January 2019
Nevada Nephrology Consultants sees a very bright future in Las Vegas. This is
your chance to see Nevada's most progressive Nephrology company. The Open House
was just another way to say thank you to all
of the people, both inside the company and out, who have helped to make us Las
Vegas Nephrology leader.
Dr. Barney Publications:
Barney M.
Diabetes and the Kidney. Nevada Diabetes Council. Invited Speaker. Nov.13, 2012
Roberts M, Barney MH, Trott M, Montez AJ, Stephens VM, Lee DBN. Mechanism Nutritional Hemodialysis, ASAJO Transaction 1989; 35: 270-273
Roberts M, Barney MH, Trott M, Montez AJ, Goodman W, Lee DBN. Bloodless Serum Chemistries, (Abst.) Submitted
Roberts M, Zurayk SH, Montez AJ, Stephens VM, Trott M, Barney MH, Lee DBN. Performance of Hemofilters and Dialyzers During Slow Hemodialysis, (Abst.) American Society of Nephrology 1989; p 128A
Roy A, Roberts M, Zurayk SH, Montez AJ, Stephens VM, Trott M, Barney MH, Lee
DBN. A Practical Solution for Avoiding Alkalosis Associated with Citrate as an
Anticoagulant for Hemodialysis, (Abst.) American Society of Nephrology 1989;
Roberts M, Barney MH, Zurayk SH, Montez AJ, Eide PA, Barnal JA, Lee DBN. Disaster Diet Planning for Chronic Hemodialysis Patient – A Non-Dialytic Method, (Abst.) Submitted, XITH International Congress of Nephrology, 1989
Dr. Adaimy Research:
Night and day proteinuria in patients with Sleep Apnea.
Published in AJKD/Volume 44, issue 4